Mental training sport

Since 2003 I mainly work as sport psychologist and mental coach in football, tennis and table tennis,  and also hockey, basketball and athletics.

In fact, I gained experience as a mental coach in more than 30 sports as golf, sports motors, horse riding….(more info about my professional experience here)

What’s mental preparation?

Mental preparation consists of preparing an athlete (or a team) for a competition (s). The objective is to train both the strong points and the points to be improved of the athlete in order to be ideally prepared: concentration, confidence in his abilities, motivation, stress and pressure management, communication, overcome a difficult situation (switch)… I also make sure to motivate, if necessary for a healthy lifestyle (diet, sleep, etc.), necessary for physical performance and health, but which also has an impact on the mind

Mental coaching: programm

For individual coaching, several sessions are necessary (around 5 sessions initially, generally between 5 and 10). I also support long-term athletes. I work also in the field and in vidéo

I set specific goals adapted to each individual and set up a program to strengthen qualities and improve weak points. I preferably work in collaboration with the coach and the technical and physical staff.

For teams, the work is generally carried out over a full season or half a season but requires a more substantial commitment to the club (details here)

Mental preparation techniques

In particular, I use validated mental preparation and coaching techniques : cognitive-behavioral techniques, mental imagery, mindfulness meditation applied to sport, or sophrology. group cohesion techniques…

Through training exercises adapted to your sport, you progress in your mental abilities such as concentration, confidence, switching (overcoming a negative situation) or even perseverance.