
  • Support committee reviewed “Drugs, Health, Prevention, since 2018.
  • Motivation for smoking cessation: proposal for a psychological intervention (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2002).
  • Uses of motivational interviewing in a day center (University of Montreal and Catholic University of Lille, 2004).
  • Dupuis M. (2008). Family dependencies and the youth empowerment process: a systemic approach. Les cahiers de Prospective Jeunesse, December 2008, no 49, pp. 22-23.
  • Dupuis M. (2009). Addiction to physical exercise. Drugs, Health, Prevention, no 53, pp. 19-22 and in the same issue: Stopping intensive sport and drug addiction: findings, hypotheses and courses of action.
  • Dupuis M. (2010). Conflicts of loyalty in clinical interviews. Drug, Health, Prevention, no 55, pp. 5-7.
  • Contribution to e-learning for general practitioners “stress, anxiety, sleep disorders: place of benzodiazepines” (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2011).
  • Dupuis M. (2011) Managing stress before a decisive football match, Vestiaire Magazine, no 26.
  • De Crombrugghe, Dupuis, M. Kauffman D. and Nève J. (2011). How to organize prevention at school: promote rather than prevent. Drugs, Health, Prevention, no 57, pp. 26-31.
  • Dupuis M. and Talent J. (2015). Relationships with law in addictive behavior: theoretical-clinical findings and therapeutic implications in a day center for drug addicts. The intervener (Quebec), vol 31, no 2, pp. 12-15.
  • Fix M. et al. (2017). I coach kids. Coaching Children literature review. Chapter on motivation, pp. 63-69.
  • Dupuis M. and Mullier P (2018). Gender and alcohol: study in a day center » Drugs, Health, Prevention, no 84 pp. 21-25
  • Dupuis, M., Saal C. (2019): “Addicted to excess: interaction between sport and addictive pratice”